A message regarding COVID-19
23rd Mar 2020
The effects of the coronavirus pandemic are being seen across the world, with dramatic effects on how we work and live our lives day to day. People are understandably concerned for the wellbeing of themselves, their loved ones and their colleagues. At HQW Precision and Barden, our highest priority is the health and safety of our employees, our customers and suppliers. We are monitoring the situation closely as it evolves and want to assure our business partners that we are doing all we can to mitigate the spread of the virus and the risk it presents.
We are closely following all government guidelines regarding working practices. We are committed to supporting our employees throughout this uncertain time and have strict policies in place on work and travel, while also restricting access to our sites to essential staff only. Working at home is being implemented where possible, while increased numbers of hand sanitation stations have been put up around our plants for those working onsite.
We are also encouraging all our people to follow the guidelines on social distancing outside of the workplace. This is the one thing we can all do which will have a dramatic effect on the spread of the virus. It's not easy and involves a big change in how we live our lives. However the message is clear; lives will be saved if we limit our contact with others!
This situation is unlike anything we have seen before, but we are confident we will overcome the challenge and be stronger for it. We thank all our staff, customers and business partners for their patience, understanding, and continued commitment to the business. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated with any significant changes.
Please all stay healthy!